Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society, Inc.
Available Publications
Short Stories from Chickasaw County, Mississippi $15
116 page paperback book with a glimpse into what life was like in the early 20th twentieth century.
54 stories by 18 different authors. Add $5 for shipping charge.
Chickasaw Heritage and Memories Cookbook $20
Heritage and memories through Homestead Foods. 188 pages with some of Chickasaw County's
favorite old time recipes. Add $5 for shipping charge.
* * * * *
Chickasaw County, Mississippi Pictorial History On Sale for $40.00
Contains 250 pages, with over 1,000 pictures of Chickasaw County through the years.
Add $5.00 shipping charge.
History of Chickasaw County, MS - Volume I $125
A comprehensive history of early Chickasaw County families, communities, churches and schools
Add $7.00 shipping charge.
History of Chickasaw County, MS - Volume II $125
Over 1,400 family stories, military biographies, and early Chickasaw Indian history is included.
Add $7.00 shipping charge.
A Short History of Chickasaw County, Mississippi $10.00
In paperback only. Add $2.00 shipping charge.
Cemeteries in Chickasaw and Surrounding Counties, Volume I and II each $25.00
Add $3.00 shipping charge.
The People, Land Owners, and Land Patents $25.00
Land owners for early Chickasaw County including most of Clay and Calhoun Counties for 1836-1852 are included.
Add $3.00 shipping charge.
Marriage Records Chickasaw County, Mississippi Volume I 1858-1900 $12.00
This book included some marriages found in the attic of the Courthouse of marriages not found in the
regular marriage books. Add $3.00 shipping charge.
Historical picture postcards are available for $.50 each.
Chickasaw Times Past - Back issues of quarterly published by the Chickasaw County Historical & Genealogical Society
$50.00 + $5.00 shipping charge for each set of 5 quarterlies. Sets available are listed below.
Volume I - V Volume VI - X Volume XI - XV Volume XVI - XX Volume XXI - XXV Volume XXI - XXV Volume XXVI - XXX
To purchase any of the publications listed above, please mail check or money order payable to:
Chickasaw County Historical Society
PO Box 42
Houston, MS 38851